
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Strive for Five

It's the new year and time for making New Year's resolutions! I must admit I'm with most of the world and usually only make it until January. Which is why I'm linking up with Lauren at Kisses from the Mrs. with her Strive for Five. Here we go!

1. Work on anxiety- My mind gets the best me, a lot lately and I want to work on that. I'm going to work on not worrying as much and just letting things go. So far, haven't been doing so well with that one. But my other resolutions will help with that hopefully!

2. Exercise, exercise, exercise!- This is always one of my resolutions. But this time I'm making my goals a bit more reasonable, and hopefully more fun. I finally gave in and made a Pinterest, and have found lots of fun looking workouts on there. My goal is to try at least one out every week, along with my biking to classes and such.

3. Eat real food- When I'm tired, the last thing I want to do is make food. Which is how I find myself having the Christmas candy on the table for breakfast. . . . I'm going to eat real food. It'll be better in more ways than one, and that little time to make food will be worth it.

4. Spiritual life- I've really been slacking here. My goal is to pray at least once every day, and read something uplifting every day. Whether it be a long quote from a general authority or a few verses. At least something.

5. Get published- This has been a lifelong goal, and this year I want to do it. I've finished quite a few stories that need a whole lot of work to be a novel. But I have the rough drafts done. My goal is to get something published this year, whether it be a short story or a novel.

And there's my five. Can't wait for the next check in to see how I'm doing!

1 comment:

  1. We are such twins, it is insane! I used to get really bad anxiety like I had to pull over to the side of the road and count to ten to calm down. It was bad! But it gets better with time, promise. And I've totally eaten candy for breakfast, not one of my finer moments! Hahaha!
